Friday, November 26, 2010

Chocolate goes down bitter with political commentary

One of the few reasons I was glad to leave Bountiful back in the day was a chocolate shop in the neighborhood named Mrs. Cavanaugh's. I'm not sure who owns this particular location, but I can tell you about the person. They have opinions. The marquee is usually laden with two messages, one about upcoming sales and purchase suggestions, example: chocolate is a great gift for your Thanksgiving hostess. The other side currently touting a message about how we should save the U.S. from the travesty that is the United Nations.
I suppose if one works hard to purchase a business, it should be their right to say whatever they like on their marquee, but I'll say this much, that I will never visit this store and it may or may not put me entirely off the franchise (a small victory for See's).
Candy, to me, is a whimsical and happy part of life. I LOVE candy and I consider myself somewhat of a connoisseur. I remember my first visit to a supermarket in Germany and seeing the chocolate aisle...oh yes, a whole well as the variety of gummies, marzipan, and other treats. Candy is fun. Kids lives somewhat revolve around it, I know mine did. My sister and I used to load up our change and hike to the local 7-11 to buy as much sugar as we could.
Must this staple of childhood and joy of adulthood be laden with political commentary? Can one not even escape the realities of the world momentarily to buy a caramel? Not at the local Mrs. Cavanaugh's. Thanks anyway. I'll settle for the more crude Snickers to avoid the parade-destroying opinions of this shop.

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